
Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God “Hodegetria” in Gethsemane

One of the main relics of the St. Mary Magdalene is the ancient revered icon of the Mother of God “Hodegetria”.
On the day of the feast of the Mother of God for the sake of her Hodegetria icon, July 28/August 10, the services were led by the Locum Tenens of the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia, Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany. Cocelebrating with Vl. Mark were the clergy ot the Mission and pilgrims in holy orders.

After the the Liturgy, a prayer service was performed to the Mother of God with a procession throughout the entire territory of the monastery. The Head of the Mission, Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky) led the procession with the clergy of the monastery and pilgrims: Archimandrite Evstafiy (Solntsev) of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, Archpriest Peter Sturm from Switzerland, priest Hadar (George) Baramki – cleric of the Cathedral of St. Apostle James in Jerusalem, priest Sergiy Voinkov from Germany and from England – Deacon Andrei Borisas. The icon was carried by the abbess of the convent – mother Elisabeth (Smelic) and the elder sister of the community of the Resurrection of Christ in Bethany – nun Maria (Wall). One by one, the icon was handed over to all the sisters of the monastery to carry during the procession.
After the meal, the icon was taken to the community of the Resurrection of Christ in Bethany, where the procession continued through the temples, monastery buildings and the new construction site, with sprinkling of holy water and blessing of the icon.
The icon remained for three days in Bethany, and on Friday, after the Divine Liturgy, it was taken back to the monastery of St. Mary Magdalene.
2022-08-11 13:00 2022 August 2022