
Celebration the 85th Birthday of the Abbess of the Mount of Olives Convent

On the sunday of the paralytic, May 13/26, the abbess of the Holy Ascension Monastery, Mother Varvara (Novikova), turned 85 years old.

The Sunday service that day was led by His Eminence Metropolitan Mark of Berlin and Germany. The Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky) with the monastery clergy concelebrated with Vladyka Mark, At the request of Metropolitan Mark, the First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, Metropolitan Nicholas, blessed the Mother Superior to be awarded a cross with decoration in recognition of her hard work and in connection with her 85th birthday. At the small entrance, Archimandrite Roman brought Mother Varvara to Bishop Mark and, chanting “axia,” His Eminence laid the cross on her.

The cross that was placed on Mother previously belonged to the late Abbess Moisseia (Bubnova). His Holiness Patriarch Alexey ӀӀ gave it to Mother Moisseia on the occasion of the festivities dedicated to the signing of the Act of Canonical Communion in 2007.

Present at the service was Abbess Elisabeth (Smelic), abbess of the monastery of St. Mary Magdalene.

After the meal, the sisters approached Mother Varvara with flowers and congratulated her with her high award.
2024-05-26 12:00 2024