Russian Ecclesiastical
Mission in Jerusalem
Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

Pentecost on Olivet; Farewell to Archimandrite Innocent

The Head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission, Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky) led the festive service on the day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles, i.e. on the day of Holy Pentecost. On the eve of the feast, at the all-night vigil and at the Divine Liturgy, concelebrating with Fr. Roman were members of the Mission clergy: Archimandrite Innokenty (Sereda), Abbot Jonah (Galishnikov), Hieromonk Gerasim (Kotovsky) and Hierodeacon Amphilochius (Mazur).

During the Liturgy, according to the Typikon, the festal vespers was served with the great prokemenon “What god is great as our God?” and with the reading of three kneeling prayers.

Unfortunately, some sadness was added to the festive mood. We had to say farewell to the long-time server of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission - Archimandrite Innokenty (Sereda). The higher church authority recalled the priest back to the Lugansk diocese to continue his pastoral activities. Father Innokenty served faithfully for ten years in the Jerusalem Mission. A good shepherd, the priest was the confessor of the sisters of the Olivet Monastery and numerous lay people. Father Innocent was a sociable priest and always received people after the Liturgy for spiritual conversations. He earned the love and respect of many people who came to him for explanation of spiritual matters, guidance and consolation. Also, departing with Fr. Innocenty was his mother Valentina Nikolaevna, who came from the Ukraine several years ago and worked as a laborer among the sisters of the monastery.

In his farewell word, the Head of the Mission thanked Fr. Innokenty for his selfless service to the Church and parishioners. As a farewell gift, Fr. Roman presented Fr. Innokenty with holy pectoral cross with decorations. Abbess Varvara (Novikova) gave the icon of the Mother of God as a farewell gift.

The whole Church sang “Save Christ God.”

We wish Archimandrite Innokenty spiritual success in his new place of service.