Russian Ecclesiastical
Mission in Jerusalem
Russian Orthodox Church Outside of Russia

The Feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Bethany

On December 6/19, the Bethany sisterhood the Resurrection of Christ, celebrated the patronal feast of the cave church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Since the chapel is undergoing a complete restoration, the service was held in the upper church of the monastery named for St. Lazarus of the Four-Days with his sisters Martha and Maria.

The head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission, Archimandrite Roman (Krassovsky) led the service. Priest Hadar Baramki, assistant principal of the Bethany School for Girls, Hieromonk Feodor (Kirice) and Hierodeacon Amfilohy (Mazur) assisted the head of the Mission.

The service was attended by the abbess of the monastery, Abbess Elizabeth (Smelic). The choir was led by the senior sister of the monastery, nun Maria (Wall). The sisters of the neighboring Greek Convent of St. Lazarus and believers of different nationalities prayed at the service. For this reason, in addition to Church Slavonic, petitions and prayers were proclaimed in Arabic, Greek, Romanian and English.

The monastery's resident nun, mother Nikolaya, who was celebrating her name day, was prayerfully remembered.

After the service, the faithful went in procession to the chapel of St. Nicholas, where a moleben was held.

After the prayer service, all those present gathered in the monastery refectory, where the sisters of the monastery offered a festive meal.